Thursday, January 25, 2007

So Much

I would read this book to a class because it shows that people of different color can care for each other just as much as anybody else. It will show the students that all people have families, just like they do. The children will get a positive view on other races and will help them decide that people can get along, no matter what they look like. It can also be used to put a positive spin on tolerance.
This book could be used in a social studies lesson because it will help represent people that possibly are not in the same class or school that the students are in. The book will shed light on a diverse world that the children are probably not completely aware of yet. After reading the book to the class, asking the students individually what they thought about it will give me the opportunity to explain how skin color doesn't make them any different than anyone else.

1 comment:

Debra Dirksen said...

If used with an age appropriate audience I do agree with you. It's a fun book. I like you idea of including it in a Social Studies lesson.